― Jan Lukasiewicz(请参阅参考资料,这种表示法也称
逆波兰表示法(reverse Polish
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| Left associativity : A+B+C = (A+B)+C Right associativity : A^B^C = A^(B^C)
- 初始化一个空堆栈,将结果字符串变量置空。
- 从左到右读入中缀表达式,每次一个字符。
- 如果字符是操作数,将它添加到结果字符串。
- 如果字符是个操作符,弹出(pop)操作符,直至遇见开括号(opening
- 如果字符是个开括号,把它压入堆栈。
- 如果字符是个闭括号(closing
- 如果到达输入字符串的末尾,弹出所有操作符并添加到结果字符串。
- 初始化一个空堆栈
- 从左到右读入后缀表达式
- 如果字符是一个操作数,把它压入堆栈。
- 如果字符是个操作符,弹出两个操作数,执行恰当操作,然后把结果压入堆栈。如果您不能够弹出两个操作数,后缀表达式的语法就不正确。
- 到后缀表达式末尾,从堆栈中弹出结果。若后缀表达式格式正确,那么堆栈应该为空。
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| #include <stack> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <iomanip> #include <tuple> #include <cmath> #include <sstream>
using namespace std;
struct stackData { char Operator; double Number; };
inline bool isOperator(char ch) { return ch == '+' or ch == '-' or ch == '*' or ch == '/' or ch == '^'; }
inline bool isNumber(char ch) { return '0' <= ch and ch <= '9' or ch == '.'; }
inline int priority(char operatorChar) { int level = 0; if (operatorChar == '^') { level = 2; } else if (operatorChar == '*' or operatorChar == '/') { level = 1; } else if (operatorChar == '+' or operatorChar == '-') { level = 0; } return level; }
template<typename T> tuple<T, T> getTwoNums(stack<T> &nums) { auto second = nums.top(); nums.pop(); auto first = nums.top(); nums.pop(); return {first, second}; }
double postfixCalculate(vector<stackData> &postfix) { double first, second; stack<double> nums; for (const auto &p : postfix) { switch (p.Operator) { case '*': tie(first, second) = getTwoNums(nums); nums.push(first * second); break; case '/': tie(first, second) = getTwoNums(nums); nums.push(first / second); break; case '+': tie(first, second) = getTwoNums(nums); nums.push(first + second); break; case '-': tie(first, second) = getTwoNums(nums); nums.push(first - second); break; case '^': tie(first, second) = getTwoNums(nums); nums.push(pow(first, second)); break; default: nums.push(p.Number); break; } } double result = nums.top(); nums.pop(); return result; }
vector<stackData> getSeparate(string &infix) { vector<stackData> postfix; string numStr; for (const auto &p : infix) { if (isNumber(p)) { numStr += p; } else if (isOperator(p) or p == '(' or p == ')') { if (not numStr.empty()) { postfix.emplace_back(stackData{' ', stod(numStr)}); } numStr = ""; postfix.emplace_back(stackData{p, 0}); } } if (not numStr.empty()) { postfix.emplace_back(stackData{' ', stod(numStr)}); }
vector<stackData> newPostfix; char preChar = '('; for (const auto &p : postfix) { if (p.Operator != ' ') { if (preChar == '(' and (p.Operator == '-' or p.Operator == '+')) newPostfix.emplace_back(stackData{' ', 0}); preChar = p.Operator; } else { preChar = ' '; } newPostfix.emplace_back(p); } return newPostfix; }
string printExpression(vector<stackData> &temp) { stringstream ss; for (const auto &t: temp) { if (t.Operator != ' ') { ss << t.Operator; } else { ss << t.Number; } ss << ' '; } return ss.str(); }
vector<stackData> getPostfixExp(vector<stackData> &infix) { stack<char> operator_stack; vector<stackData> postfix; for (const auto &p: infix) { if (isOperator(p.Operator)) { while (not operator_stack.empty() and isOperator(operator_stack.top()) and priority(operator_stack.top()) >= priority(p.Operator)) { postfix.emplace_back(stackData{operator_stack.top(), 0}); operator_stack.pop(); } operator_stack.push(p.Operator); } else if (p.Operator == '(') { operator_stack.push(p.Operator); } else if (p.Operator == ')') { while (operator_stack.top() != '(') { postfix.push_back(stackData{operator_stack.top()}); operator_stack.pop(); } operator_stack.pop(); } else { postfix.push_back(p); }
} while (not operator_stack.empty()) { postfix.push_back(stackData{operator_stack.top(), 0}); operator_stack.pop(); } return postfix; }
int main() { cout << "please input string expression: " << endl << "example: " << "( 15 / 3 - 1)^2 -(8 + (0.7 - 0.2)*5.41 + 6.8)+1^0.5" << endl; string infix; while (getline(cin, infix)) { infix.erase(infix.find_last_not_of(" \n\r\t") + 1); if (not infix.empty()) { break; } }
vector<stackData> expression = getSeparate(infix); cout << "Standard expression: " << printExpression(expression) << endl; vector<stackData> postfixExp = getPostfixExp(expression); cout << "Postfix expression: " << printExpression(postfixExp) << endl; double result = postfixCalculate(postfixExp); cout << "Answer: " << setprecision(10) << result; return 0; }